Sofia Pescarin

Senior Researcher


Sofia Pescarin è ricercatrice senior presso il CNR ISPC (Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale), a Firenze, dove presiede il gruppo all'interno del Digital Heritage Innovation Lab (DHiLab). Ha una laurea in Lettere e Filosofia (Topografia dell'Italia Antica), un master in Exhibition Design e un dottorato di ricerca in Storia e Informatica. È stata ricercatrice dal 2000 al 2019 presso il CNR ITABC (Istituto di Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali) dove ha co-presieduto il Virtual Heritage Lab (VHlab). Dal 2008 è coordinatore (responsabile di commessa) della linea di ricerca "Patrimonio Virtuale". Insegna "Multimodal Design" (LM 12 - ICAR 13 - 9cfu) presso l'Università degli Studi di Ferrara nel Master "Innovation Design" ed è docente di "Interaction Media Design" (INF 01) presso il Master "

She has been the technical coordinator of the project "virtual museum of the Scrovegni Chapel" Padova (2003). She has obtained the e-content award with the open source web3d project "Virtual Rome". Between 2008 and 2017, she has been the scientific director of "Archeovirtual", exhibition of interactive projects applied to Cultural Heritage, within the Mediterranean Expo BMTA in Paestum. She has also chaired the national summer school of "Virtual Archaeology", supported by CNR and University of Padova, until 2017. Between 2011 and 2014 she has been the scientific coordinator of the FP7 Network of Excellence V-MUST.NET, dedicated to Virtual Museums. During V-MUST, she has been curating the international exhibition "Keys To Rome" (Le chiavi di Roma) in 2014, organised parallely in 4 museums (Museo dei Fori Imperiali - Roma, APM- Amsterdam, City Hall in Sarajevo and Biblioteca Alexandrina). She has coordinated the Italian research unit of the H2020 REVEAL project, dedicated to Videogames and Game Based Learning, during which she has worked at the game design of "A Night in the Forum" (Una notte nel Foro) for Playsstation VR. She has also worked in other EU projects, such as EPOCH, 3d-ICONS, ARIADNE, SHOCC, E-RIHS and recently SPICE.

Ha scritto più di 100 articoli scientifici. Ha pubblicato i libri: "Roma. Guida alla città eterna" Whitestar (1997), "Reconstructing ancient landscape" (Ed. Archaeolingua, 2009), "ARCHEOFOSS" (Archeologia e Calcolatori: 2010), 2013 Digital Heritage Congress Expo Vol 3 (ed. CNR 2013), "Keys to Rome: Roman culture, virtual museum" (ed.CNR, 2014), curando i numeri speciali: "Digital Heritage Interactive Applications" (2019), e "Digital Heritage Science and Infrastructures". Il suo ultimo libro "Videogames, Ricerca, Patrimonio culturale" (ed. open access Franco Angeli 2020). Attualmente è la coordinatrice scientifica del progetto europeo PERCEIVE (Perceptive Enhanced Realities of Colored collEctions through AI and Virtual Experiences).

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